Our USA-made products meet all domestic manufacturing requirements. Our people have seen and experienced just about everything through the years, which means a better end product, delivery and customer support to meet your needs.

And for our customers with operations and opportunities internationally, CDH offers a true global reach.

Our people have worked in just about every industry imaginable where we have supplied component and custom roll-formed products. Here are just some of the industries where we regularly work with customers to provide them the best engineering and manufacturing solutions to meet their needs: 


The construction industry is a key market for us. We have extensive experience in producing everything from steel framing, struts, purlin systems, SFS panelized bolted frame, rain screens, cladding, mezzanine floors, as well as door and window reinforcements. We also provide fencing products as well as products related to data center construction.

We work hand in hand with our industry partners to deliver products designed to streamline construction, enhance performance and maximize sustainability. Our in-house technical department experts can work with you to develop new products, prototype them in short runs for rapid testing and refinements, and then manufacture in volume. 


As the solar energy industry continues to grow, we can partner with you to offer roll formed shapes bundled with a connector package. We can also engineer and manufacture custom shapes and profiles for a variety of solar panel frames, racks, supports and mounting systems.

Our custom-rolled solutions offer increased strength and significant weight savings for any solar energy application.


Our expertise in the production of roll-formed products enables us to develop a range of agricultural systems offering a unique combination of durability, stability and value.

Our steel vine posts and trellis supports are a perfect example. They can be designed and custom manufactured to suit all applications in a variety of substrates and coatings. They are extremely durable and corrosion resistant compared to wood and can last for an extended period of time.

They won’t break when forced into the ground and offer impressive stability in the ground due to a greater surface area. They are also extremely flexible, as they are able to spring back into position even rotated as much as 180 degrees. They can also withstand harsh and corrosive climates.


CHD is a leading supplier of roll-formed profiles for the industrial marketing with high-strength, light-weight and high-volume components.

We serve many industrial sectors including:

  • Oil & gas
  • Mining
  • Water and wastewater
  • Power generation, supply and distribution
  • Warehouse and distribution

CDH develops innovative systems and insight on the most-effective production methods for your application to reduce design and manufacturing time.


With extensive experience in developing and manufacturing custom-specific, roll-formed products for the transportation market, we partner with leading manufacturers to produce everything from rail and engineered cab parts to a variety of automotive and truck components. We produce high-strength and light-weight parts to help our customers achieve their objectives for fuel efficiency, safety and sustainability.